- Protocol Short Name and Number: Multiple Myeloma, 0102
- Protocol Long Name: A Trial of Tandem Autologous Stem Cell Transplants +/- Post Second Autologous Transplant Maintenance Therapy versus Single Autologous Stem Cell Transplant Followed by Matched Sibling Non-myeloablative Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant for Patients with Multiple Myeloma
- Protocol (PDF)
- Informed Consent Forms (.zip)
- Key Personnel
- BMT CTN # 0102 Protocol Co-Chair: David Maloney, MD
- BMT CTN # 0102 Protocol Co-Chair: Amrita Krishnan, MD
- BMT CTN # 0102 Protocol Officer: Marcelo Pasquini, MD
- BMT CTN # 0102 Medical Monitor: Marcelo Pasquini, MD
- BMT CTN # 0102 Protocol Coordinator: bmtctn@emmes.com
- Keywords: Multiple Myeloma, MM, Tandem, Auto Transplant, Autologous Transplant, Auto, Allo Transplant, Allogeneic Transplant, Allo, Non-Myeloablative, Quality of Life, QOL
This study reached the target accrual and closed to patient accrual on March 30, 2007.