Center Membership & Study Participation

Participation in BMT CTN trials is available to all center in the United States (U.S.), however, some studies have specific site qualification requirements or permit only limited number of centers due to study size. The per patient reimbursement is the same for all centers. Membership (Core vs Affiliate) determines how a center participates.

There are two types of BMT CTN Centers:

Affiliate Centers

Any U.S. center that is not a Core Center may participate as an Affiliate Center. Affiliate Centers must apply to participate in each study by submitting the Application for Participation as an Affiliate Clinical Center in the BMT CTN form. Please note the following:

  • Centers that have not enrolled patients on a BMT CTN trial within the past three years will be required to submit additional information. 
  • Affiliate Centers are required to execute a master agreement with the BMT CTN; each study requires a separate rider to this agreement. 
  • The application process may be waived if the Protocol Team employs a separate site selection process that is approved by the Network.

Affiliate Centers may also qualify to appoint a voting member to the Steering Committee membership for a 2-year term by enrolling at least 12 patients in at least 2 BMT CTN studies during a 12-month period. A yearly review of Affiliate Center participation (review period July 1 – June 30) determines which Affiliate Centers qualify for the 2-year Steering Committee membership. Membership includes voting privileges and travel reimbursement for in-person meetings. The term is renewable if an Affiliate Center maintains the minimum accrual requirements. Additional information may be found on the BMT CTN Administrative MOP page.

Core Centers

There are 20 Core Centers including 11 Core Centers that are consortia of 2 or more centers. One consortium is the Pediatric Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Consortium (PTCTC) consisting of 100+ pediatric centers. The National Institute of Health (NIH) awards Core Center grants for a specific grant cycle from among applicants to a Request for Applications (RFA); the current grant cycle ends in June 2024. New Core Centers cannot be added during a grant cycle. The next 7-year grant cycle will start in July 2024 (RFA).

Core Centers may participate in all BMT CTN studies, without a formal application, unless there is a limitation on number of sites. Each Core Center appoints a single voting member to the Steering Committee. Additional information may be found on the BMT CTN Administrative MOP page and Core Clinical Centers page.