- Protocol Short Name and Number: Biomarkers, 1202
- Protocol Long Name: Prospective Multi-Center Cohort for the Evaluation of Biomarkers Predicting Risk of Complications and Mortality Following Allogeneic HCT.
- Protocol (PDF), version 3.0 dated March 17, 2015
- Protocol Synopsis (PDF), version 3.0 dated March 17, 2015
- Summary of Changes from version 2.0 to 3.0 (PDF)
- Informed Consent and Assent (PDF), version 3.0 dated March 17, 2015
- FAQs (PDF)
- Key Personnel
- BMT CTN# 1202 Co-Chair: John Levine, MD
- BMT CTN# 1202 Protocol Co-Chair: John Hansen, MD
- BMT CTN# 1202 Protocol Officer and Medical Monitor: Wael Saber, MD
- BMT CTN# 1202 Protocol Coordinator: bmtctn@emmes.com
- Keywords: Biomarkers, Correlative Studies, Biological Samples, Biospecimen, Pediatric, Child, Children, Teen, Adolescent
The BMT CTN is committed to including widespread transplant community participation in these trials. For information on how to apply to participate on this study, please contact the Protocol Coordinator at bmtctn@emmes.com for details.