- Protocol Short Name and Number: SR aGVHD, 1501
- Protocol Long Name: A Randomized, Phase II, Multicenter, Open Label, Study Evaluating Sirolimus and Prednisone in Patients with Refined Minnesota Standard Risk, Ann Arbor 1/2 Confirmed Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease
- Protocol (PDF)
- Protocol Synopsis (PDF)
- Informed Consent and Assent Local IRBs (PDF)
- Informed Consent and Assent NMDP IRB (PDF)
- Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Key Personnel
- BMT CTN # 1501 Protocol Co-Chair: Joseph Pidala, MD, PhD
- BMT CTN # 1501 Protocol Co-Chair: Margaret MacMillan, MD
- BMT CTN # 1501 Protocol Officer: Mehdi Hamadani, MD
- BMT CTN # 1501 Protocol Coordinator: bmtctn@emmes.com
- Keywords: Graft versus Host Disease, GVHD, Graft vs. Host Disease, GVHD Treatment, Sirolimus, Quality of Life, QOL, Ann Arbor, Pediatric, Child, Children, Teen, Adolescent
This study reached its accrual goal on February 16, 2018 and is now closed to new patient enrollment.