1502 - CHAMP

  • Protocol Short Name and Number: CHAMP, 1502
  • Protocol Long Name: Optimizing Haploidentical Aplastic Anemia Transplantation (CHAMP)
  • Protocol (PDF)
  • ICFs (PDF)
  • FAQs (PDF)
  • Key Personnel
    • BMT CTN # 1502 Co-Chair: Michael (Mike) Pulsipher, MD
    • BMT CTN # 1502 Co-Chair: Amy DeZern, MD, MS-HS
    • BMT CTN # 1502 Protocol Officer: Mary Eapen, MD
    • BMT CTN # 1502 Protocol Coordinator: Kristy Applegate; bmtctn1502@emmes.com
  • Keywords: Haplo, Haploidentical Transplant, Allo Transplant, Allogeneic Transplant, Allo, Aplastic Anemia, AA, Severe Aplastic Anemia, SAA, Quality of Life, QOL, Pediatric, Child, Children, Teen, Adolescent