• Protocol Short Name and Number: SR-aGVHD, 2002
  • Protocol Long Name: A Phase 3, Randomized, Open-Label, Multicenter Study, to Compare T-Guard to Ruxolitinib for the Treatment of Patients with Grade III or IV Steroid-Refractory Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease (SR-aGVHD)
  • Protocol Synopsis (PDF)
  • ICFs (PDF)
  • FAQs (PDF)
  • Key Personnel
    • BMT CTN # 2002 Co-Chair: John Levine, MD
    • BMT CTN # 2002 Co-Chair: Gabby Meyers, MD
    • BMT CTN # 2002 Co-Chair: Gérard Socié, MD
    • BMT CTN # 2002 Protocol Officer: Mehdi Hamadani, MD
    • BMT CTN # 2002 Protocol Coordinator: 2002DCC@emmes.com
  • Keywords: Graft vs. Host Disease, GVHD, Graft versus Host Disease, T-Guard, TGuard, Ruxolitinib, Steroid Refractory, Steroid-Refractory, Anti-CD3/CD7 Immunotoxin, Xenikos, GVHD Treatment