- Protocol Short Name and Number: RIC vs Hypometh for MDS, 1102
- Protocol Long Name: A Multi-Center Biologic Assignment Trial Comparing Reduced Intensity Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant to Hypomethylating Therapy or Best Supportive Care in Patients Aged 50-75 with Intermediate-2 and High Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome
- Protocol (PDF)
- ICFs (PDF)
- FAQs (PDF)
- Key Personnel
- BMT CTN # 1102 Co-Chair: Corey Cutler, MD, MPH, FRCP(C)
- BMT CTN # 1102 Co-Chair: Ryotaro (Ryo) Nakamura, MD
- BMT CTN # 1102 Protocol Officer: Wael Saber, MD, MS
- BMT CTN # 1102 Protocol Coordinator: Kristy Applegate; bmtctn1102@emmes.com
- Keywords: Myelodysplastic Syndrome, MDS, Allogeneic Transplant, Allo Transplant, Allo, Reduced Intensity Conditioning, RIC, Biologic Assignment, Quality of Life, QOL, Unrelated, Unrelated Donor