- Protocol Short Name and Number: Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation With Ixazomib for High Risk Multiple Myeloma, 1302
- Protocol Long Name: Multicenter Phase II, Double-blind Placebo Controlled Trial of Maintenance Ixazomib after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for High Risk Multiple Myeloma
- Protocol (PDF)
- ICFs (PDF)
- FAQs (PDF)
- Key Personnel
- BMT CTN # 1302 Co-Chair: Qaiser Bashir, MD
- BMT CTN # 1302 Co-Chair: Taiga Nishihori, MD
- BMT CTN # 1302 Co-Chair: Parameswaran Hari, MD
- BMT CTN # 1302 Protocol Officer: Marcelo Pasquini, MD, MS
- BMT CTN # 1302 Protocol Coordinator: Kristy Applegate; bmtctn1302@emmes.com
- Keywords: Multiple Myeloma, MM, Ixazomib, Allogeneic Transplant, Allo Transplant, Allo, Quality of Life, QOL, Maintenance, Unrelated Donor, Unrelated