2201 - SWOG S2114

  • Protocol Short Name and Number: S2114, 2201
  • Protocol Long Name: A Randomized Phase II Trial of Consolidation Therapy Following CD19 CAR T-Cell Treatment For Relapsed/Refractory Large B-Cell Lymphoma or Grade IIIB Follicular Lymphoma
  • Key Personnel

Note: For the SWOG S2114 / BMT CTN 2201 study, the BMT CTN is endorsing the study and providing accrual credit. Centers participate via their NCTN group. BMT CTN Centers will receive both NCTN and BMT CTN accrual credits. The protocol may be accessed through the CTSU website: https://www.ctsu.org. For questions about the study and how to participate, contact the SWOG protocol coordinator, Katarina Gasic, kgasic@swog.org or the CTSU Help Desk at ctsucontact@westat.com or 1 888 823-5923.