- Protocol Short Name and Number: GVHD Prophylaxis (PROGRESS I), 1203
- Protocol Long Name: A Multi-center Phase II Trial Randomizing Novel Approaches for Graft-versus-Host Disease Prevention Compared to Contemporary Controls.
- Protocol (PDF)
- Informed Consent
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Key Personnel
- BMT CTN # 1203 Protocol Co-Chair: Javier Bolanos-Meade, MD
- BMT CTN # 1203 Protocol Co-Chair: John Koreth, MD
- BMT CTN # 1203 Protocol Co-Chair: Ran Reshef , MD
- BMT CTN # 1203 Protocol Officer: Marcelo Pasquini, MD
- BMT CTN # 1203 Protocol Coordinator: bmtctn@emmes.com
- Keywords: PROGRESS, Prophylaxis, Graft versus Host Disease, GVHD, Graft vs. Host Disease, Unrelated, Unrelated Donor, Allogeneic Transplant, Allo Transplant, Allo, Acute leukemia, Leukemia, Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, CML, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, CLL, Myelodysplastic Syndrome, MDS, Lymphoma, Quality of Life, QOL
BMT CTN # 1203 Medical Monitor: Shannon Smiley, MD